Community Outreach

Our Community Garden

We are looking forward to the second season of the Rural Chapel Community Garden. Rural Chapel Community Garden is an inclusive place for special needs families/caregivers to bring their loved one out into the community. The goal is for the individual to be out in the community, increase their social experiences, learn skills, and have fun! Our participants were of a wide range of ages, and abilities. All of the gardens turned out great and the experience was enjoyed by whole family.

Giving Tree

Every Christmas season we partner with local organizations to provide for our community. Last year, Olentangy Schools has paired us with a local family who could use our help to make the season bright for their five children.

There are many other organizations where you can lend your support this season. We are currently raising funds (no amount too small) for People in Need of Delaware County. Find the jar in the church to donate your change. And we also support Turning Point of Delaware County, Common Grounds and Family Promise

Youth Group Service Project

Each year the youth plan a service project for the Youth Group. Last year, they decided on creating winter care packages for the homeless community in Franklin County.

Compassion International

Compassion is a well respected relief organization that partners children in need with families who can sponsor them.

Sponsor A Compassion Child
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